FAIR Web Links

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Deutschsprachige Links
FAIR Sites
Diese Seiten werden von FAIR geführt:

Gemeinschaftsprojekt der FAIR Mitglieder, um rasch und prägnant häufige Kritiken an der Kirche zu beantworten.


Weitere interessante Seiten

Sammlung von Zeugnissen deutschsprachiger Mitglieder der Kirche

Der Prophet Joseph Smith Sein Leben und seine Lehren

Die Enzyklopädie des Mormonismus

Eine Enzyklopädie über die Lehre und das Leben der Mormonen

Englischsprachige Sites
FAIR Sites
These sites are maintained by FAIR.

Black Mormon Web Site
Dedicated to black members of the LDS Church, dispelling myths, and providing an accurate source of information on topics related to blacks and the Church.

Collaborative effort to provide dynamic answers to common criticisms.

FAIR Bookstore
Books and items of interest for apologists, scholars, and researchers.

FAIR Message Boards
A sometimes rough-and-tumble place to discuss Church-related topics.

FAIR Members-Only Site
A restricted site designed for those who are members of the FAIR Apologetics list.

FAIR Members and Affiliates

These sites are independently maintained by members of FAIR or by FAIR affiliates (organizations associated with FAIR).

Early Christianity and Mormonism
Barry Bickmore, author of Restoring the Ancient Church, presents research on comparisons between Early Christianity and Mormonism. Contains a number of excellent articles and links to early Christian sources.
FAIR Member

Extra Biblical Writings
FAIR member Rolf Farch has compiled an amazing number of extra-biblical source documents, including pseudepigrapha, gnostic, apocrypha, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
FAIR Member

Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS)
FARMS encourages and supports research about the Book of Mormon and other ancient scriptures. FARMS is part of the Neal. A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship at Brigham Young University. Its main research interests include ancient history, language, literature, culture, geography, politics, and law relevant to the scriptures.
FAIR Affiliate

A French-language apologetics Web site meeting the needs of French-speaking individuals all over the world. Idumea has translated a number of FAIR articles for their Web site.
FAIR Affiliate

Joseph Smith, American Prophet
Great information and media presentations about Joseph Smith.
FAIR Member

Mormon Fortress
Mike Ash’s “Defending the Faith” site. Contains a very organized approach to responding to anti-Mormon criticisms on a wide breadth of topics. Includes a new Mormon Myths section, a whoís who in apologetics listing (good and bad) as well as a broad sampling of links to LDS and other informative sites.
FAIR Affiliate

Scholarly & Historical Information Exchange for Latter-Day Saints (SHIELDS)
SHIELDS contains reviews of books and articles, a response to Appendix B of Walter Martin’s The Maze of Mormonism (in progress), examination of things critics have said and done, and correspondence with critics.
FAIR Affiliate

Temple Resources
Ben Spackman’s excellent resource on materials about the temple, both ancient and modern.
FAIR Member

Apologetic Sites

Answering Criticisms of the Gospel
Michael Griffith’s LDS Information Site. Contains articles on basic LDS doctrines and history as well as edited extracts from his books: One Lord, One Faith: Writings of The Early Christian Fathers as Evidences of the Restoration; A Ready Reply: Answering Challenging Questions about the Gospel; and Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon’s Authenticity.

Letter to a Pastor
Cooper Johnson’s response to Pastor Ed Young’s (Fellowship Church) Sermon on Mormonism.

Mormon Haven
Joel Hardyís Answers to Questions about the LDS Church. Contains a wide variety of criticism topics in brief answer format. Scripture is used as the basis for many of the answers.

Response to Mormon Critics
A site for those who have faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ but don’t know how to answer some of the critic’s questions. Contains a section on critics, criticisms, book reviews, free online book (One Minute Answers), and links to other sites.

General Mormonism Sites

BBC Religion and Ethics – The Mormons
A great non-LDS site by the British Broadcasting Corporation.

The Latter-day Saint Frequently Asked Questions (LDSFAQ) web site, sponsored by BYU Studies provides answers for some common and other not-so-common questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Questions and answers have been summarized from past issues of BYU Studies (a scholarly journal supported by Brigham Young University) as well as from other sources such as the Encyclopedia of Mormonism.

Jeff Lindsayís LDS information site. An excellent source for answers to frequently asked questions about the Church. Topics include LDS beliefs, history, Book of Mormon, Book of Abraham, and other general apologetic items.

Mormon Central
Great site with lots of family-friendly LDS links on the Web.

Only Mormon
A search engine for all things Mormon.

Joseph Smith and the Restoration

Elden’s Research Page
Elden Watson’s Research and Studies Page. Contains an in-depth paper on the First Vision and a thorough Book of Mormon translation timeline. Also contains a number of self-authored pamphlets on various subjects.

Fulfilled Prophecies of Joseph Smith
Jeff Lindsay’s compilation of the successful prophecies of Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith
The Church’s Web site dedicated to Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith
Wikipedia article on the life and work of Joseph Smith, Jr.

Joseph Smith
Encyclopedia article (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia) about Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith
The BBC provides a short history of Joseph Smith. (Great for use with non-members.)

Joseph Smith, Jun.
Good article about the life of Joseph Smith. Quotes heavily from Joseph Smith–History.

Joseph Smith – History
From the Pearl of Great Price, the official history of Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith’s First Vision Accounts
Jeff Lindsay’s examination of the different accounts of the First Vision.

Joseph Smith’s Picture
Only known daguerreotype image of Joseph Smith.

Prophet Joseph Smith
Article about Joseph Smith, originally from the Encyclopedia of Mormonism.

The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Information from the Church’s Web site about Joseph Smith’s testimony.

Missionaries and Missionary Work

All About Mormon Missionaries
General information about missionaries, the MTC, and missionary work.

God’s Army
No, not the movie. A PBS article about missionary work and the life of a missionary.

Mormon Missionaries
Article on the popular About.com site related to missionaries. Good site for non-members.

Mormon Missionaries
The BBC explains why Mormons do missionary work. (Great for general information or for use with non-members.)

Mormon Missionary
Wikipedia article on what Mormon missionaries are all about.

Mormon Missionary Work
Articles about missionaries and missionary life.

Scholarship and Learning

The Miller-Eccles Study Group
Southern California study group that addresses various topics of interest to those involved in LDS scholarship.


Book of Abraham Project
Contains research on the Book of Abraham and its criticisms, Joseph Smith, apostasy, Hugh Nibleyís writings, History of the Church, and writings of early Saints.

Book of Mormon Answerman
Volumes of answers to submitted questions using the Book of Mormon.

General Conference Scriptural Index
An interactive tool for analyzing the use of scriptural reference in all General Conference addresses from 1942 to the present.

Temple-Related Sites

The House of the Lord
The Church’s official temple Web area.

LDS Church Temples
Information on all the Church’s temples around the world.

Mormon Temples
The BBC explains LDS temples and why we have them. (Great for general information or for use with non-members.)

Mormon Temple Ordinances
Information about the ordinances inside Mormon temples.

Teachings About Temples
LDS teachings about temples and their purposes

Temples in Mormonism
Wikipedia article on temples in Mormonism (not just the LDS Church).


Times and Seasons
Quite possibly the most startling, yet imperturbable, onymous Mormon group blog in history.

By Common Consent
A variety of authors on topics related to Mormonism.

Jeff Lindsay’s popular blog on all things Mormon.


FAIR ist weder im Besitz der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, noch von ihr kontrolliert oder an sie angeschlossen. Alle Untersuchungsergebnisse und Meinungen, die auf dieser Site angeboten werden, sind alleinige Vetwortung von FAIR und sollten nicht als offizielle Aussagen über die Lehre, den Glauben oder die Glaubenspraxis der Heiligen der Letzten Tage interpretiert werden.

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Last Updated November 07, 2009
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